Would it surprise you to learn that almost half (47.2%) of adults have some form of gum disease? That number rises to 70% in those lucky enough to reach 65.
Without treatment, gum disease will cause tooth loss. It can also destroy the bone that supports your teeth. Treatment is available, but preventative care proves to be the best way to curb gum disease.
If you’re hoping to keep your natural teeth for the long haul, then you need to stay informed. Read on to learn everything you need to know about gum disease and how to treat it.
What is Gum Disease?
So, what is gum disease exactly? Gum disease, also called periodontitis, happens when your gums become inflamed and infected.
This condition starts when plaque starts building up on your teeth and gums. If this plaque stays in place, it becomes a sticky layer of bacteria. At this point, a good dental checkup in Port Coquitlam (or your area) can still remove the buildup.
If you don’t get it taken care of, though, you’ll develop gingivitis. Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. Your gums will start to swell, become red, and bleed when cleaned. Gingivitis is still reversible.
Without dental care, the bacteria film will penetrate your gum line. At this point, the bacteria will inject toxins into your gums. Destruction of your gums, bone tissue, and teeth follows next.
Symptoms and Signs of Gum Disease
So, what gum disease symptoms do you need to watch out for? Due to modern-day diets, almost everyone has a plaque on their teeth. Look out for the following signs:
.Swollen gums
.Loose teeth (as an adult)
.Purple or reddish gums
.Gums that bleed with brushing or flossing
.Bad breath
.Painful chewing
.Changes in how your teeth fit together
.Spaces forming between your teeth
.Pus between your teeth
.A receding gum line
Surveys say that moms report toothaches are more painful than childbirth! If you’re experiencing significant pain, then you need to schedule an appointment. Serious pain usually means there is a serious problem.
How to Diagnose and Treat Gum Disease
Are you wondering how to treat gum disease? Your specific treatment will depend on the severity of your condition. Gingivitis symptoms can get treated with a professional dental cleaning.
Are your symptoms more serious? If so, then you may need to undergo root planning and scaling. These non-surgical solutions help remove films of bacteria under the gums.
If you have advanced gum disease, then you may need surgery. Pocket reduction surgery, bone grafts, or bone surgery may be necessary.
Looking for a Gum Disease Dentist in Port Coquitlam?
Gum disease is insidious and destructive. Left unchecked, the bacteria can spread to other parts of your body, too. Don’t let poor oral health control your life. Take charge, and start getting dental checkups regularly.
Are you interested in booking a dental checkup in Port Coquitlam? If so, then you can trust our dental professionals to get to the root of your dental woes. You should request to book an appointment online now to get started.